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The Outlaw Post:

Another Year and A Quick Hello!

Greetings Simming World! My apologies for my extended absence. Since it is the beginning of another year, I wanted to share an update about what's going on with me and future Simming.

Due to health issues, I decided to simplify my life and limit my on-line time to a few hours a week. Last year, I was in the middle of several personal projects and my laptop died on me. While I eventually reformatted the hard-drive, I didn't have the desire to reload the games at that time. I took it as a sign to lose myself in other interests for a while. So, I took over a Harry Potter Disqus Channel and buried myself in that for a while. While I'm still a part of that community, I built up a wonderful Mod team and turned it over to them, as I slowly pull back from that space of leadership. It was a wonderful experience and I learned a lot about what it means to be a caretaker to a fandom community. But, I needed to redirect my focus completely to my health for a while.

While my health is stable at present, it waivers and it still remains a top priority for me. I'm still learning to live around my health issues as best I can. But, there are far more good days than challenging ones than in the past. For now, I'm taking it easy and have no immediate plans to return to Simming... at least not yet. Currently, I'm in the process of culling my Sims downloads, only keeping what I love and use often, instead of being a collector. Given the sheer volume of Simming stuff I've accumulated over the years, that in itself could take a while. But, I'm in a "purging" sort of space.

Thanks to all who have sent me e-mails and have shared bits of yourself with me over the past year. It's been great and I still have a love for what is good in the Sims 2 community.

So, I say:

"Keep Creating and Happy Simming!"

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