New Beginnings
Welcome to Proudly Banished!
For those of you who don't know of me, my name is Stephanie. Over the past 15 years, I've been a contributing member of the Sims community using the name stephanie b. originally, and as of late StephSim. While StephSim will always be a part of who I am, I have decided to reclaim "Stephanie" as much as possible. So, it's back to the basics of uploading and sharing my Sims 2 creations in a way that works for me.
Part of the fun of Simming is creating things you love and sharing them for others to enjoy! Anything that distracts from that tends to take away from the beauty of enjoying my Sims 2 on-line time. It should be just that simple. So, it is definitely time for a creator Renaissance!
In joining the "Club of the Banished", I am reminded how absolutely wonderful it is to be in charge of my own destiny. It's always better to be empowered by seemingly bad circumstances and whenever possible, turn a negative into a positive!
This little corner of the Simming Community is a small Sims 2 site featuring a few of my creations.
Hover over the images below for brief description tags.
Click on the images to be directed to the page where the downloads are.
To return to this page, click on the "back" button on your browser.
There are a few LOTS!
There are a few FUNCTIONAL OBJECT recolors!
There are a few ODDS and ENDS recolors!
There are a few MAXIS recolors!
There are a few DECORATIVE OBJECT recolors!
There are a few FURNITURE recolors!
There are a few OUAT Sim Related
(Regina Sim, Clothing and Accessories)!
There are a few Red Sonja creations and collaborations!
Note: 'Proudly Banished' will mainly house current and future uploads.
Since I am indeed reinventing myself, I have hit the reset button on Simming and will mainly be moving forward, creating as inspiration strikes and leaving a few of these gifts here for the taking.
Updates for this site will be flexible, as I will only be sharing things I absolutely love. Most of what is already posted here at 'Proudly Banished' has not been posted anywhere else. Even those creations have had minimum exposure. But, it isn't really about exposure for me. It's more about availability. I wanted to ensure that my creations are readily available to anyone who wishes to include them in their game.
S0, come on in! This little website of mine has a lot to offer. For more information about 'Proudly Banished', CLICK HERE to visit Sherwood Forest. Afterwards, take your time to explore the site and find something Simmish to take with you when you leave.
Enjoy your visit and should you feel so inclined:
The Artist Formally Known as "StephSim"
aka "The Proudly Banished Outlaw"